
Showing posts from October, 2019

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By the time "American Psycho," his last novel, was published in 1991, Ellis was largely a joke among the young cognoscenti who'd once made him famous. That book, filled with the excruciating, affectless murderings of a serial killer, became a cause celebre when it was boycotted by feminists as misogynistic pornography. The book was indeed a horror; by now Ellis had seemed to give up even the pretense of writing, and was content to simply transcribe lists of tony clothing manufacturers from the back pages of GQ. Oh yeah cheap sex toys our receptionist is an Arytrian refugee who is a cage fighter in his spare time. Regardless, these people are bright, interesting, business saavy and most of all: intelligent. Whatever their reasons for hairstyling, they all some of the sharpest knives in the drawer.. I mean, if you put a dildo in front of Beau Bridges's face, people are going to laugh. But the actual work that was done by the real people sort of does a lot of that w